The Office of Academic Programs helps to oversee curriculum development, approval and revision at USC.
Curriculum Committees
The curriculum belongs to the faculty of USC. The Office of Academic Programs serves to convene and facilitate the central, faculty-led committees that oversee the curriculum process. These committees work in partnership to discuss, propose, and approve new curriculum, curricular revision, and academic policy, with a view to ensuring that USC constantly maintains a broad and dynamic catalogue of programs that are innovative, relevant and intellectual-rigorous. We also participate in the University Committee on Academic Review convened by the Executive Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
New Curriculum
The Office of Academic Programs works closely with departments, faculty, and the Curriculum Coordination Office and the University Committee on Curriculum on shepherding new programs, courses, and certificates through the curriculum process. Together, we aim to ensure that USC’s curricular provision remains dynamic, rigorous, and responsive to the needs of our students and the world.
Sustainability Across the Curriculum
In partnership with the President’s Working Group on Sustainability, the Office of Academic Programs administers the Sustainability Across the Curriculum Initiative (SACI), providing seed grants to faculty in order to equip students with the tools they need to build a sustainable future.
Progressive Degree Programs (PDP)
The Progressive Degree Program (PDP) enables superior USC undergraduate students to accelerate the completion of a USC master’s degree. Pursuing a progressive degree can deepen your education and further prepare you for future career in as little as one additional year.